On Monday, a 4:H group is meeting at Crossroads to get ready for the fair. And then on Tuesday, the Beekeepers of Door County have scheduled the presentation “Getting Ready for Your Bees.”  And group from Master Gardeners will be at Crossroads Wednesday to get ready to plant the  annual garden beds at  The Garden Door.  Nature is “getting ready” too.


Did you ever wonder why seeds do not start to sprout during the inappropriate mild days we have experienced far too often this winter. In our climate, premature germination would be absolutely disastrous. But seeds are coated with a waxy or varnish-like material which makes the seeds waterproof. Plants  simply will not grow until water reaches the embryos.

 All winter, soil microbes slowly work on seed coats until they became soft. But now, seeds really are getting ready, Cold nights and warm days  create a freeze/thaw cycle that ruptures seed coats so by true spring, germination can take place.

Some mammals are getting ready for families this time of year. Foxes are pairing up by now and starting work on their dens and they will remain as pairs even after kits arrive.

 You may notice squirrels seem very active this time of year. Gray squirrels have two litters each year, but we tend to overlook their mating chases in summer when the frenetic squirrels are obscured by  foliage. Starting about this time of year, the pre-chase which looks rather like a gentle game of tag. But once the female is in heat, a chase becomes a serious endeavor with multiple males, attracted by the female’s scent, trying to get to the head of the line to actually mate. The strongest, and usually most mature  male gets the privilege.

 Red squirrels also have a winter and a summer litter, but researchers believe that a red squirrel female is only in heat for a single day. So, similar to grey squirrels, the receptive female gives off a scent which stimulates a competitive chase. But it last maybe  four or five hours, but not weeks.

 Male raccoons don’t chase potential mates. This time of year, males venture out on warmish nights and lumber through the forests locating the dens of receptive female by scent. Apparently, the females are a bit choosy, but if the male is deemed adequate, he crawls in and shares her winter den for a day or so before going back out in the woods to look for more potential mates.  She, apparently, curls up and goes back to sleep until spring.

 Clearly, for these and other mammals, this is the time for getting ready. And speaking of getting ready, and I have to say: I am already ready for spring.   

 Crossroads is a donor-supported preserve that offers programs to learners of all ages, conducts research, and enables environmentally friendly outdoor recreation on our three properties.  The Collins Learning Center, located at 2041 Michigan, is open 2:00-4:00 daily and during scheduled activities. Trails and restrooms are open 24/7. Weather is fickle. Check the website for current trail conditions and cancellations.      







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