Transit of Mercury

transit-mercuryAs a person who bumps into two or three objects between the door of the Collins Learning Center and my desk, I marvel that if  sunlight hits the Earth’s surface, it means photons (particles of light) escaping the Sun have traveled approximately 93 million miles without bumping into anything.

Of course, not all photons make it to the ground.. Sometimes things come between the Earth’s surface and the Sun.
Clouds come to mind. At Crossroads,  we have  little meters to show how much electricity our four solar arrays are making. When photons hit the solar panels, we often produce more power than we can  use. But when clouds get in the way, our electric production decreases significantly. Diffused light (photons that bounce when they hit particles in the cloud) can produce electricity, but nowhere near as much as direct sunlight.

This time of year, we are thrilled that  the wildflowers known as  “spring ephemerals” are starting to blossom. The word ephemeral means “not long lasting”.  So the name is used to describe the woodland wildflowers that must grow, bloom, be pollinated, and set seed during the brief time between when the soil thaws and  the leaves of forest trees block the photons reaching the plants. This time of year, the forests are  still very bright and sunny, but in summer, the light intensity is  decreased. The tree canopy comes  between the Sun and the Earth’s surface, preventing  many, but not all,  of the photons from reaching the Earth’s surface.
Once in a while, a planet comes between the Earth and the Sun. For this to happen, the planet must be closer to the Sun than the Earth is,  which means only Mercury and Venus can block  our sunlight.  Compared to the Sun, both planets are miniscule. So a planet could never block all of the photons as it passes between us and our Sun. But from Earth, iappear (if one looks through a properly filtered telescope)  that an small object is moving across the face of the Sun, hiding a tiny part of it. We call this event “a transit.”
 Transits of Venus—when Venus passes between the Earth and Sun—are rare,  but Mercury is much closer to the Sun, orbiting it every 88 days.  Because of the Earth’s orbit and Mercury’s orbit, we observe transits of Mercury only during the months of November and May.  May transits of Mercury occur at intervals of 13, 33 and 46 years, and this is one of those ye
Mercury will transit the Sun on May 9 (Monday).  So the members of the Door Peninsula Astronomical Society will open the Leif Everson Observatory for the event between 6:00 am and noon. They have the special filters for the telescopes and know where to look [It’s will be a tiny dot—smaller than most sunspots.]If the clouds come between the Sun and the Door Peninsula, we now have the technology to live stream the event from telescopes throughout the sunny side of the Earth.
Do not try to see the transit at home. In fact, never look at the Sun with binoculars or telescopes or your naked eyes without adequate protective filtering. Ever.
 Looking at other stars and celestial objects at night is something you can do from your home. You can see amazing images through ordinary binoculars, or you can now check out  a good quality portable telescope at the Sister Bay and Sturgeon Bay Libraries thanks to an innovative program sponsored by the DPAS.
During the monthly Viewing Night on Saturday, May 7, DPAS members will have one of the “loaner scopes” in the StarGarden of the Astronomy Campus and they will demonstrate how to use it. The “loaner scope” demonstrations start at 8:00 and the sky should be dark enough for stars by 8:30.  The event will take place, clear skies or not.
Crossroads at Big Creek is a community-supported preserve welcoming learners of all ages to programs in science, history and the environment.  The Collins Learning Center, located at 2041 Michigan,  is open 2:00-4:30 daily and during scheduled events. During the construction, to reach the center, take the highway detour to County T (Alabama Street) cross the highway to Big Creek Road and turn right. Proceed to Lily Bay Road and turn right. Lily Bay Road will merge with Michigan and the Crossroads entrance will be on your left.
To reach the Astronomy Campus and Ida Bay Preserve, Utah Street currently crosses  the highway, or you can follow Memorial Drive under the bridge, and turn on 18th Place to reach Utah Street. The Astronomy Campus is at the Cove Road intersection, 2200 Utah.  To reach the Ida Bay Preserve, follow Cove Road. (or from the north, follow Buffalo Ridge Trail)
Saturday, May 7
8:00 Viewing Night at the Leif Everson Observatory
In addition to night sky explorations, DPAS members will have one of the Library “loaner scopes” in the StarGarden of the Astronomy Campus and they will demonstrate how to use it. The “loaner scope” demonstrations start at 8:00 and the sky should be dark enough for stars by 8:30.  The event will take place, clear skies or not. To reach the Astronomy Campus , ta Utah Street currently crosses the highway, or you can follow Memorial Drive under the bridge, and turn on 18th Place to reach Utah Street. The Astronomy Campus is at the Cove Road intersection, 2200 Utah.
Sunday, May 8
1:00 Big Creek Ramble
Big Creek is always lovely in spring, but it is especially nice when the marsh marigolds are in bloom. Wear shoes that can get wet. Meet at the Collins Learning Center.
Monday, May 9


6:00 AM till noon Transit of Mercury
The members of the Door Peninsula Astronomical Society will open the Leif Everson Observatory for the event between 6:00 am and noon. They have the special filters for the telescopes and know where to look [It’s a tiny dot—smaller than most sunspots.) If the clouds comes between the Sun and the Door Peninsula, we now have the technology to live stream the event from telescopes throughout the sunny side of the Earth. Do not try to see the transit without adequate eye-protecting filters.

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